Do you meet the following four criteria? If yes, you are invited to apply for admission into the Leadership by Design Program.
Ontario Grade 10: You will be enrolled in Ontario Grade 10 in September 2016. (This means you are currently enrolled in Grade 9.)
Descent: You are of Jamaican or African-Caribbean descent.
Academic Courses: You will be enrolled in academic courses during Grade 10 and you aspire to attend university or college.
At School in the GTA: You will be enrolled (in September) in a public or Catholic high school within the Greater Toronto Area (GTA).
STEP 1: Download and read the Application Guide. The Application Guide prepares
you to effectively complete the application form.
STEP 2: Complete the ‘fillable PDF’ application form that is available online and print the form.
- Before you enter your information, check that you are in a position to print your completed form.
- Once filled, you must immediately print the form with your answers. The form cannot be stored online, and cannot be submitted electronically.
- Provide a valid email address. We will only communicate with you via email.
- Provide your complete postal address.
- Provide your Ontario Education Number (OEN). You will find this number on your report card or academic transcript.
STEP 3: Ask your parent(s) or guardian to sign your application form.
- Your application form will not be accepted unless it bears the signature of one or both of your parents, or your legal guardian. Your parents or guardian must authorize your application.
- Your parent(s) or guardian must provide a valid email address (if available) and telephone number.
STEP 4: Mail or deliver your completed application to:
Leadership by Design Program
Lifelong Leadership Institute,
303 Eglinton Avenue East,
Toronto, Ontario,
M4P 1L3
Office Hours: Monday – Friday, 9.00 a.m. to 2.00 p.m.
STEP 5: Once received, your application will be acknowledged by email and you will be
invited to an interview.
Application Form for the Leadership by Design Program PDF Format
Application Guide PDF Format
An Admissions Committee will assess applicants for admission into the Leadership By Design Program. Here is the process for evaluating applicants for admission:
STEP 1: Academic Achievement:
All applicants will be assessed on their Grade 9 academic performance.
Note: While we will not specify a particular set of marks, advantage will go to applicants whose Grade 9 grade results indicate they are progressing satisfactorily along a path leading to university or college.
STEP 2: Leadership Potential
Eligible applicants will be interviewed to assess their potential for leadership development, and their level of maturity to persist and thrive in our multi-year Leadership By Design program
Note: Students are required to bring to the interview their official academic transcript depicting their Grade 9 courses and final grades. While this is not mandatory, applicants may choose to present to the Admissions Committee other information that makes a case for admission, such as letters of recommendation from a school teacher or administrator, school projects, etc.
STEP 3: Admission Decisions
Students who are to be offered admission into the Leadership By Design program will be notified by email.
Students who will not be offered admission into the Leadership By Design program will be offered admission as an Associate of the Leadership By Design program.
- The decision of the LBD Admissions Committee is final.
- Reasons for admission decisions will not be provided to applicants or parents/guardians.
Having applied for admission into the Leadership by Design program, you are required to:
- complete the application form in full,
- submit your completed application quickly…ideally well before the given deadline,
- verify that the information you provide in your application form is accurate and complete,
- ensure you attend your scheduled admissions interview…including making the necessary transportation arrangements, and
- keep your parent(s) or legal guardian informed about your participation in the admissions process.
May 13: Applications are invited starting today.
Tu. June 28: Last day of school, most secondary students
June 29: Deadline (at 3.00 p.m.) for applications to be received at the LLI office
located at 303 Eglinton Avenue East.
June TBA: Admissions interviews will be scheduled throughout June and July
July 20: Starting on this date, applicants will receive admission decisions
Sept. TBA: First meeting of students who are enrolled in the Leadership by Design
STEP 1: Download and read the Application Guide
1a) The application guide guides your completion of the application form.
STEP 2: Complete the ‘fillable PDF’ application form that is available online and thereafter print the form.
2a) Before starting, ensure you are in a position to print your completed form.
2b) Once filled, you must print the form with your answered. The form cannot be stored online, and cannot be submitted electronically.
2c) Provide a valid email address. We will only communicate with you via email.
2d) Provide your complete postal address.
2e) Provide your Ontario Education Number (OEN). You will find this number on your report card or academic transcript.
STEP 3: Ask your parent(s) or guardian to sign your application form.
3a) Your application form will not be accepted unless it bears the signature of one or both of your parents, or your official guardian. Your parents or guardian must authorize your application.
3b) Your parent(s) or guardian must provide a valid email address (if available) and telephone number.
STEP 4: Mail or deliver your completed application to:
Leadership By Design Program
303 Eglinton Avenue East,
Toronto, Ontario,
M4P 1L3
4a) Office Hours: Monday – Friday, 9.00 a.m. to 2.00 p.m.
STEP 5: Once received, your application will be acknowledged by email.
Please contact Appleby’s Admissions Office at 905-845-4681 ext. 216 or to schedule an interview with an Admissions Counsellor. Every effort should be made to arrange a personal interview. A Skype telephone interview may be arranged when distance creates a great inconvenience.