LEADERSHIP BY DESIGN Entering Grade 10 in September 2024?


The signature program of the Lifelong Leadership Institute (LLI) is Leadership by Design (LBD).

While all students have varying capacities for leadership and will perform leadership roles within their families, social circles, schools and wider community, the LBD program is about amplifying students’ leadership skills. LBD seeks to inspire and equip students to pursue future leadership opportunities whereby they become decisions makers who are well positioned to shape the future of their communities, workplaces and country – we refer to this as seat-at-the-table leadership. We focus on leadership development because leadership skills not only enable good, effective and responsible leadership in all spheres, they also contribute to personal, social and career success. As well, the soft skills which contribute to effective leadership are the very same skills which foster entrepreneurship and good citizenship.

Why does the LBD program emphasize leadership? Human advancement, and all change invariably result from leadership in action. Want to start a business, improve society, and bring peace to the world? Effective leaders make these happen. To inspire leadership development and to construct a leadership-development curriculum, the LBD program disaggregates leadership into a set of important skills, which when learned and practised will enhance the leadership capacity of students. In developing capable leaders, we urge a commitment to the ‘greater good’ where leaders serve the wider interests of a community rather than one’s narrow interests, where leaders value empathy, compassion and principles of democracy. The LBD’s curriculum guides students to appreciate, develop and practise important leadership soft skills.

What are these skills which define the good, responsible and effective leader? Here is a selection of leadership skills which are the foundation of the LBD’s curriculum. While some of these soft skills overlap, they are separated in the list below for sake of clarity.

  • Accountability and responsibility
  • Intellectual curiosity
  • Growth mindset/Continuous learner
  • Critical thinking
  • Creative/Innovative thinking
  • Effective communications (verbal, written)
  • Emotional Intelligence
  • Empathy
  • Persuasion (influence)
  • Self-confidence
  • Self-awareness
  • Collaboration/Teamwork
  • Networking
  • Civic responsibility (values the ‘greater good’)
  • Character
  • Resilience
  • Problem solving
  • Conflict resolution

In addition to providing leadership-development, the LBD also provides students with a platform for exploring careers and career pathways. As well, given the challenges and complexities of today’s work environment, students are encouraged to prioritize post-secondary pathways.

The Leadership by Design program is a multi-year program that supports the success of academically promising Black youth and does so in partnership with parents.

The Leadership by Design (LBD) program is based on ten pillars. Together, these ten pillars provide LBD students with support and opportunities for leadership development and career exploration. What follows is a brief synopsis of each of the ten pillars of LBD programming.


The Leadership by Design program is an out-of-school-time (OST) leadership-development program that complements rather than competes with the regular high school curriculum. LBD in-person programming normally avoids overlapping with regular school classes and examination schedules.

When is the best time to deliver leadership-development learning sessions to already busy Grades 10, 11 and 12 students during the high school academic year? The answer is Saturdays. There is no alternative. Saturday learning sessions are where LBD students, parents and guests gather to explore important issues and learn specific skills. Saturday sessions are about collective learning, forging relationships (student-to-student and parent-to-parent), community building and infusing students, parents and volunteers with a deep sense of belonging. The curriculum for each Saturday session offers leadership-preparation programming, interrogation of the important issues of the day, skill-development workshops, mentoring sessions, school-to-career alignment sessions, and other opportunities for learning.

Most Saturday sessions are held in-person at university or corporate sites. During the winter, a few sessions are held online.



The mentorship program provided by the Leadership by Design program is evolving given the learning gained from each year’s practice and field experience. Rather than a one-dimensional mentorship program, we now provide a mentorship ecosystem which surrounds the mentee with variants of mentorship experiences. Most experiences provided by the LBD program involve some mentoring – both formal and informal.




LBD students are encouraged to explore career options as well as the various post-secondary programs and institutions that provide pathways for career fulfilment.

The nature of the Leadership by Design program allows it to target multiple strategic outcomes, one of which is career exploration. Our work is shaped by the definition of career exploration as the “process in which an individual chooses an educational path or training or a job which fits their interests, skills and abilities”. Each year, the LBD program does more in terms of career exploration and we partner with universities and corporations in doing so. We present Black professionals to talk about their career trajectories. As well, we run workshops on OSAP, funding post-secondary studies and scholarship application. In academic year 2023-24, generous donors granted 19 scholarships that were available only to LBD students transitioning from Grade 12 into post-secondary studies. Additionally, LBD students were well positioned to earn scholarships by universities and other scholarship-granting entities.



The Leadership by Design program provides a set of workshops that is designed to guide students through specific topics or tasks. Many of these workshops are integrated in some Saturday sessions. However, most are stand-alone sessions that are separately scheduled and generally require LBD students to ‘opt in’ based on their interest. In some situations, workshops are clustered into extended periods of study, much like a course, and examples of these are the LBD’s Pursue STEM, Pursue BUSINESS, and the CBSN Regional Science Fair. LBD workshops involve hands-on learning and encourage interactive participation.

Like the Saturday Sessions, each workshop provided by the Leadership by Design program connects with the important skills that are associated with good, responsible and effective leadership, and with enhancing the prospects for students’ social, personal, academic and career success.

Here are some of the workshops that were offered to LBD students during the recent academic year 2023-24:



The civic engagement pillar of the LBD’s program focuses on rights and responsibilities, fulfilling specific civic responsibilities such as being well informed, and on exercising the right and responsibility to vote. It also seeks to augment the civics instruction offered in high school by encouraging a deeper exploration regarding what it means to be a Canadian and a Black Canadian. It also dwells on the importance of democracy and notions of the ‘greater or public good’.



Most LBD students seek out and deliver service to their community. The need to accumulate specific hours of community service in order to graduate from an Ontario high school is well understood. Most LBD students will acquire these hours and substantially exceed them. The LBD supports students’ search for meaningful and effective community service. This includes providing information regarding volunteer opportunities.


The Leadership by Design program brings students, parents and supporters together in a supportive community. Students socially connect in beneficial ways – building supportive friendships, enhancing self confidence and racial pride, and encouraging each other to achieve. Parents also form a supportive community – sharing challenges, solutions and experiences. All of this adds up to the LBD ‘village’ in which everyone is important, and in which everyone is a ‘piece of the whole’.

The LBD is deliberate in fostering the development of students’ social skills, and in encouraging an appreciation of the cultural arts. To this end, the LBD provides students with many opportunities to attend conferences, banquets and cultural-arts events. At these events, students develop and practise social-conversation and networking skills, along with appreciating the valuing the cultural arts. In most cases, students and their parents attend these events together, thereby forging closer student-parent communication.

These cultural events also have the following impacts on students:

  • appreciating and valuing the visual and performing arts, especially their importance in preserving and projecting cultural heritage and pride,
  • learning about the cultural arts expressed by other communities,
  • forging meaningful social connections,
  • fostering creativity,
  • easing stress and anxiety,
  • expressing emotions, and
  • reinforcing a mindset of ‘belonging’.



A critical attribute of good, effective and responsible leadership is curiosity. Curiosity is nicely described as the ‘starting point of interest”. We encourage our students to be intellectually curious and just about every aspect of LBD programming encourages curiosity. In our effort to ‘cultivate the curious mind’ we encourage and facilitate student attendance of events such as conferences, symposia and workshops. As well, the Leadership by Design program hosts interesting guest speakers and regularly interrogates important issues. Encouraging student pursuit of deeper knowledge is ongoing.



Mindful that our partners have capacity to offer important programming to our students, we partner/collaborate with:

  • universities (University of Toronto, Victoria College – UofT., York University, Glendon College – York U., Toronto Metropolitan University, Queen’s University),
  • corporations (Cisco Canada, Google, CIBC, PepsiCo Canada, Dentsu, Wave),
  • cultural organizations (Tarragon Theatre, Soulpepper Theatre Company, Toronto Symphony Orchestra, the National Ballet of Canada), and
  • other organizations (The Samara Centre for Democracy, Shad; Morehead-Cain; University of Toronto Schools (UTS); Canadian Black Scientists Network (CBSN); Imhotep’s Legacy Academy, Halifax; Onyx Initiative.



The Leadership by Design program is committed to parent partnership and parent engagement. Parenting in these times is not easy under any scenario, and the role is even more difficult for parents who are relatively new to Canada, those who have never had an optimal relationship with the schools their children attend, or for those who are unaware of the many opportunities that are available to students. At the same time, the LBD program is conducted with the understanding that parents are normally the major contributors to the overall success of children.

Clearly, to impact students we must mobilize the active support of parents. To mobilize parents is to persuade them of strategies within their power that centre student success; that they should set more of their busy schedule for connecting with and encouraging their students; that there are programs and workshops that make their students more competitive in post-secondary admission and workplace preparation…even with a price tag; that a child’s mindset is often linked to a parent’s mindset; and that a demanding leadership-development program for Black children is well worth the parents’ time and resources.

Scholarships and other financial awards ease the financial burden on students and their families, reduce student debt burden, and enable students to assign more time to their studies and less to time-consuming part-time jobs.

During the academic year 2023-24, the LBD helped students address the costs of education in the following ways:

  • the LBD program is free – meaning there is no charge for LBD services,
  • LBD arranged for generous partners to grant scholarships to LBD students pursuing fall 2024 post-secondary studies (CIBC bank granted 10 scholarships, PepsiCo Canada granted 8 scholarships, and Onyx Initiative granted 1 scholarship),
  • LBD guided students in applying for an array of scholarships that are available from foundations, universities, corporations, agencies and other entities,
  • LBD provided guidance to students and parents regarding the Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP), and
  • through a federal-government program, the LBD provided a limited number of laptop computers (at no charge) to eligible LBD students.


Should you meet the following criteria, please apply for admission.

  • You voluntarily self-identify as Black or Black African-Canadian and are discernibly of Black-African ancestry.
  • You are enrolled in Grade 10 during the academic year 2024-25 (i.e. the academic year which begins this September).
  • You are academically capable and are keen to learn.
  • You are willing to attend Toronto-based in-person Saturday sessions. (While this requirement favours students who reside in the Greater Toronto Region, we will consider keen candidates residing beyond the GTR.)
  • You are a Canadian citizen or Permanent Resident of Canada.

The window for applying extends well into September 2024. This gives high school administrators and teachers a window during September to encourage their eligible Grade 10 students to apply. At the same time, we invite early applications…starting now. Applications will be considered on an on-going basis. The earlier students apply, the earlier they are evaluated and the earlier they are provided an admissions decision.

The final application deadline is Monday, September 23, 2024 (11.59 p.m.). This deadline provides a window for high school administrators and teachers to encourage newly enrolled fall 2024 Grade 10 students to apply for the LBD program.

At this time, however, we encourage the submission of applications by students who have just completed Grade 9 and who will start Grade 10 in September. We will review applications throughout summer 2024.

Rolling Admissions (throughout the summer)

Once final grades for your Grade 9 courses are available, you should apply. Do not delay applying since we will make admission decisions as applications are received (rolling admission) throughout summer 2024. The sooner you apply, the faster you will receive an admissions decision.

First/Early Application Deadline: Wednesday, September 4, 2024

This deadline allows candidates to apply early and to be considered for admission early, that is, before the September rush of applications. Here’s the advantage of applying early:

  • Applications from eligible candidates are received by Wednesday, September 4, 2024 (11.59 p.m.).
  • These early applicants will be invited to the first in-person orientation session (Toronto location) scheduled for 1.30 p.m., Saturday, September 7, 2024. Invitations will be sent via email.

If unable to attend this orientation session, an alternative session will be scheduled at a later date.

Second/Early Application Deadline: Thursday, September 19, 2024

This second deadline of Thursday, September 19, 2024, allows Grade 10 students who are advised about the Leadership by Design program by high school sources, and other community sources, to apply for admission. Eligible students who apply by this deadline are assured of full consideration for admission into the LBD program.

Here’s what happens when candidates apply by Thursday, September 19, 2024 (11.59 p.m.).

  • Applications from eligible candidates are received by Thursday, September 19, 2024.
  • These early applicants will be invited to the second in-person orientation session (Toronto location) that is scheduled for 10.30 a.m., Saturday, September 21, 2024. Invitations will be sent via email.

Third Application Deadline: Monday, September 23, 2024

This is the last day to apply for admission into the 2024 Leadership by Design program.

Students who apply after the second application deadline of September 17, and by this final deadline of September 23, will be considered for admission if seats remain available. We anticipate some eligible candidates will receive information about the LBD program at a late date, and we wish to give them an opportunity to enter the program.

Here’s what happens when candidates apply between September 19 and September 23:

  • Applications from eligible candidates are received by Monday, September 23, 2024 (11.59 p.m.).
  • If seats remain available, these applicants will be invited to a yet-to-be-scheduled orientation session. Information will be sent via email.

Step 1: Before completing the Application Form, carefully read the program information (see website) plus the given Application Guide.

Step 2: Discuss with your parent(s) or legal guardian(s) your intent to apply for the Leadership by Design (LBD) program. They must be fully aware and supportive of your application.

Step 3: Complete and submit (online) your LBD Application. Ensure the data you provide is accurate and complete.

We empower students to take ownership of their learning. As such, students (not parents) should complete the application, and must do so with the knowledge and support of a parent, guardian, or other adult advisor. Where indicated, the student’s personal phone number and email address should be provided. Parent information will be collected separately on the application. Normally, the LBD sends email communication to both student and parent(s). 

While we recognize the Leadership by Design program is not suitable for everyone, we will make every effort to admit qualified candidates. There are three key steps for evaluating and admitting students into the Leadership by Design program.

1: Application Evaluation – Data provided in your application form will be evaluated. We will consider the grades you achieved for four key Grade 9 courses (English, mathematics, science and geography), plus other information that points to a good match between you and the LBD program.

2: Mandatory Orientation Session – Candidates deemed eligible for admission after the evaluation described above will be invited (accompanied by a parent or legal guardian) to an in-person LBD orientation session. This mandatory orientation session will ensure both students and parents are informed about all aspects of the LBD program and are well positioned to decide whether or not to join the program.

3: Conditional Admission Requirements – After the orientation session, eligible candidates will be provided conditional admission. At this stage, students and parents must take the following action in order to remove the ‘conditional-admissions status’:

  • the parent or legal guardian must sign and submit a Consent and Release Form, and
  • the student must complete a mandatory online workshop on Goal Setting.

Once the parent submits the Consent and Release Form, and the student completes the Goal Setting Workshop, then the student becomes a registrant of the Leadership by Design program.

Fully registered candidates and their parents will be notified by email.

Q1. Does it matter which high school I attend?

A1. No. You may apply if you are a student of any Ontario public, Catholic, French or independent high school. You may also apply if you are homeschooled.

Q2. If I apply, how will you communicate with me?

A2. All communications are via email and all communications with you are copied to your parent(s) or legal guardian(s). Hence, you must provide your personal email address and that of your parent(s) or legal guardian(s). Ensure the email address of your parents/guardians is accurate. As well, you must regularly monitor your email.

Q3. The application form invites applicants to indicate interest in special learning opportunities. Please clarify this.

A3. The LBD program will admit students with interests and strengths in any subject area: arts, English, social sciences, languages, mathematics, sciences and information technology. The LBD program will provide support to students wanting to explore careers in these and any other fields.

To facilitate learning and career discovery, students are encouraged to pursue special learning opportunities. If admitted into LBD, students will have a chance to formally enroll in one or more of these opportunities. These opportunities, some not listed in the application form, include:

  • Pursue STEM
  • Pursue CODING
  • Pursue BUSINESS
  • MUSEUM 2050
  • Goal Setting Workshop

Q4. What is the role of parents in the LBD program?

A4. Parents are critical partners in the Leadership by Design program.

  • The parent for each admitted student is required to sign a ‘Consent and Release Form’ as part of the admissions process.
  • In many of our in-person and virtual LBD sessions, parents are invited to participate.
  • The Leadership by Design program is well known for its high degree of supportive parental participation.

Q5. Why is a parent or guardian required to sign a Parental Consent Form as part of the admissions process?

A5. Parents/guardians partner with the LBD program in working towards the personal, social, academic and career success of students. Participating students who are under age 18 are deemed Vulnerable Persons by law and both the LBD and parents share a duty to ensure the well-being of students is protected. Part of this involves up-front communication and understandings. The parental-consent language supports this as well as the effective administration of the LBD program.

Q6. If admitted, do I have to re-apply for each subsequent year?

A6. No. Once you are admitted and commit to the LBD program you are provided services and support for the remainder of your high-school years and into your post-secondary studies. This is a multi-year multi-level program which requires your full commitment. Our intent is to support you all the way.

Q7. When will LBD student meetings be scheduled?

A7. Most plenary meetings of LBD students will be scheduled on Saturdays (an average of one per month). There will be other meetings involving smaller groups and these will be scheduled to meet the convenience of most participating students. Chances are some special sessions, such as Pursue STEM and Pursue BUSINESS may schedule a few days during school March Break. The schedule for the LBD’s academic year 2024-25 will be shared at the LBD applicant- orientation sessions.

Q8. What is the cost of the Leadership by Design program?

A8. There is no charge. The LBD program is free. However, some optional activities that are provided by partners may require a fee.

Q9. I plan to have my Grade 10 child apply for the 2024 LBD program. Should my child not gain admission does the Lifelong Leadership Institute provide some level of service?

A9: Yes. If your child is not admitted into the 2024 Leadership by Design program your child may still receive service from the program. This service includes invitation to selected Saturday webinars and conferences, and also invitation to join the SummerUp Program normally offered in the months of July and August. Encourage your child to apply for LBD admission.

Q10. I’m in Grade 11/Grade 12 this academic year. May I be considered for the LBD program?

A10. No. Only students who are in Grade 10 in the 2024-25 academic year will be admitted into LBD. Students in Grade 11 or Grade 12 in September 2024 may apply for guest-student status. As a Guest student, you will receive some services that are provided by the LBD program. There is a special application form for Grades 11 and 12 Guest Students.

Q11. I’m in Grade 9 this academic year. May I be considered for the LBD program?

A11. No. Only students who are in Grade 10 in the 2024-25 academic year will be admitted into LBD. Please apply for the LBD program when entering Grade 10. Students in Grade 9 this September 2024 may receive some services that are provided by the LBD program during 2024-25. To receive these services, you must apply for guest student status. There is a special application form for Grade 10 Guest Students.

Q12. When is the best time to apply?

A12. Apply as quickly as possible and this will result in early consideration of your candidacy. If you can, avoid waiting until the approaching deadline. It’s best to apply early.

Q13. I have additional questions. To whom should I direct these questions?

A13. Questions may be directed to admissions@llileaders.com