Linda Massey, OCT, is the Associate Director of Professional Learning, Education Leadership Canada, the professional development division of the Ontario Principals’ Council.
Before her retirement from the Peel District School Board, Ontario, Canada, in 2003, Linda’s lifelong interest in professional development led her to develop and present many professional learning opportunities to her colleagues within her school district and throughout the province of Ontario, including local and international workshops and conferences. Linda’s involvement with the Ontario Principals’ Council (OPC) has included workshops for principals and vice-principals throughout Ontario on topics such as Elementary and Secondary School Evaluation Policies in the New Curriculum; Implementing Secondary School Curriculum Reform; and Principal Action Research and Professional Learning Communities: The Principal as Instructional Leader.
Linda has been an Adjunct Lecturer with Charles Sturt University in Australia and has written online courses for the joint SCU/OPC Masters of International Education program.
As an Education Consultant for OPC since 2003, Linda continues to develop workshops, organize professional learning opportunities for school leaders, write resource material, and coordinate projects for the Ontario Principals’ Council. She is the author of The Principal as Professional Learning Community Leader (2009). On behalf of the three Ontario principals’ associations, Linda is Chair of a large research project, Leading Student Achievement: Networks for Learning, which includes 3,000 schools.
Linda currently serves as a Director on the Board of Victim Services Toronto.