You are a Black youth, Ontario resident, and you will be enrolled in any of Grades 9, 10, 11, or 12 in September 2022. As well, you are interested in seeking a leadership role at school, or in the community, and want to learn how to plan for this.
This leadership-development course encourages Black youth to take on a leadership role at their high school or community in the academic year 2022-23. This course will provide you with a pathway and strategies for practicing thoughtful empowering leadership at school and in your community. You have it in you to lead so why not develop your leadership talents. Do this with the knowledge that you can make a difference in your school and community, and at the same time enhance your prospects for achieving personal, social, and professional success. Note too that criteria for admissions (supplementary), and for scholarships to post-secondary institutions, invariably require a record of leadership.
Have you considered establishing a school club – such as a leadership club, a debating club, a book club, a democracy club, a public-speaking club, poetry and writing club, or a Black-Canadian history club? How about taking a leadership position within an existing club? Do you aspire to a role on the Students’ Council? Is there a community-based organization in which you may practice effective leadership? Becoming a good, responsible, and effective leader requires practice and your school provides many opportunities for this. Remember, when school returns in September, there will be many leadership opportunities available.
If you aspire to be a leader, to make a difference, and to inspire others in getting things done, this course matters.
If you wish to take on leadership roles in your school and community, it is best to start with a plan.
This course will show you how by:
This SummerUp course also provides an opportunity to work collaboratively and build peer relationships.
Here are the opinions of three students who took this course in summer 2021:
Student #1: “I think the instructors were very knowledgeable and loved how they supplied us with many ‘enrichment’ resources.”
Student #2: “Gave me confidence to think bigger and look at her I can take leads without fear. I can do it.”
Student #3: “[My main takeaway] is That being mindful of yourself (your strengths, weaknesses, etc.) can help you be a better leader.”
Who: You are a Black youth, Ontario resident, and you will be enrolled in any of Grades 9, 10, 11, or 12 in September 2022. As well, you are interested in seeking a leadership role at school, or in the community, and want to learn how to plan for this. You have a suitable computer and reliable access to the Internet (a mobile device is not suitable for this course). You are willing to commit to attending all scheduled online learning sessions (see dates and times below).
Admissions Process: All eligible applicants will be considered for admission. Refer to application deadlines at Applicants will be required to attend an online orientation session.
Start/Stop Dates: SummerUp will offer Leadership – Becoming a Leader at School in virtual mode over a span of five weeks starting on Tuesday, July 12, and ending on Thursday, August 11. Online classes will be 75 minutes in duration and span from 2.30 p.m. to 3.45 p.m.
Meeting Pattern: On designated Tuesdays and Thursdays, this course will meet online between 2.30 p.m. and 3.45 p.m. Applicants must commit to attending the following online classes:
Week 1: Tuesday, July 12; Thursday, July 14 (2.30 p.m. to 3.45 p.m.)
Week 2: Tuesday, July 19; Thursday, July 21 (2.30 p.m. to 3.45 p.m.)
Week 3: Tuesday, July 26; Thursday, July 28 (2.30 p.m. to 3.45 p.m.)
Week 4: Tuesday, August 2; Thursday, August 4 (2.30 p.m. to 3.45 p.m.)
Week 5: Tuesday, August 9; Thursday, August 11 (2.30 p.m. to 3.45 p.m.)
Optional In-person Meeting:
Monday, July 25 or Wednesday, July 27: To enable students to meet each other and build community, this course may schedule an in-person luncheon meeting on one of these two dates. This plan is subject to approval by students and then only students who are in a position to attend will be expected to attend. Should there be an in-person event, attending students will be provided special T-shirts.
Mode: Virtual (Zoom). All classes are online. One optional in-person session may be scheduled.
Required Tool
To do well in this leadership course, students must have a suitable computer and reliable Internet access. A mobile device is not suitable. Students who do not have the required device equipment should request a loan of this equipment from their high school.
Laura is a recently retired educator with over 30 years of experience working as a classroom teacher, resource teacher, coach, and instructional coordinator. She is also the math consultant with the Critical Thinking Consortium, working with students, teachers, and leaders to help learners become better critical thinkers in math across Canada, the USA, the Caribbean, Central, and South America, Europe, and Asia. She has presented her work in mathematics at various conferences across Canada and internationally. She has published and co-authored textbooks, papers, and learning resources in philosophy, history, mathematics, and Indigenous education. Her most recent 2022 publication entitled, Assessing Mathematical Thinking: A Focus on Reasoning Competencies describes a way of learning mathematics that empowers students and ensures their well-being. Prior to her career in teaching, Laura worked as an economist and accountant. She has taught at both the University of Toronto and York University. She is also a professionally trained facilitator and holds a Certificate in Applied Positive Psychology granted in March 2020. Laura is also currently working with the Alma Foundation to support the learning and socio-emotional well-being of disadvantaged children in Peru and Bolivia, as well as the White Ribbon campaign and the Leadership by Design program. Her goal is to help all young learners flourish in learning and life.
Mary, with 30 years in education, is a recently retired secondary school principal. Her educational experiences include teaching, staff development, school administration, curriculum support, and work for the Ontario Ministry of Education and the Ontario Principals’ Council. She is also a professionally certified coach and trained facilitator. Mary has varied work experiences that include the non-profit sector, community organizations, and a range of partnerships. Over the years, Mary has published a range of articles, edited a journal, presented at numerous district, provincial and international conferences, founded and led several organizations, and worked with a range of teams. Mary holds a Certificate in Applied Positive Psychology granted in March 2020. Mary has worked with the Alma Foundation to support the learning and well-being of disadvantaged children in Peru, as well as the White Ribbon campaign and the Leadership by Design program. She also enjoys volunteering with a community organization, Erin Mills Connects, that supports the health and well-being needs of children, youth, and families, and has co-authored a soon-to-be-published online guide with this organization called Beyond High School: A Guide to Discovering Your Pathway to Success.
Laura and Mary have presented at numerous conferences on the topic of student leadership and well-being. They have worked with public and private organizations to empower individuals with the capacity to confidently navigate their lives with a focus on personal well-being.
SummerUp is a program designed to serve and support the personal and professional aspirations of Ontario’s Black youth. The program is developed and presented by the Lifelong Leadership Institute (LLI), and it is primarily funded by the Ontario Ministry of Education. The quality of the SummerUp experience is assured by the contributions of a diverse group of individuals, educators, institutions, and corporations – all of which are committed to championing the well-being, development, and advancement of Black youth.
The Lifelong Leadership Institute also offers the Leadership by Design program which provides extensive leadership-development opportunities to Black youth.
The SummerUp 2022 program is primarily funded by the Ontario Ministry of Education.