The Lifelong Leadership Institute (LLI) is a Toronto-based not-for-profit educational institution that provides innovative leadership development to Canadian youth of Black and African-Canadian heritage. The LLI considers leadership development to be an effective platform for helping youth optimize their talents and fulfil their highest ambitions. The LLI achieves its mission via two programs: Leadership by Design and SummerUp.
The Leadership by Design (LBD) program is all about providing opportunities for personal and career success to Black youth in the Greater Toronto Area. Black youth are often disadvantage by inequitable access to meaningful opportunities and the LBD program seeks to close the opportunity gap, and by extension, the achievement gap. These opportunities include leadership development and career exploration, and they are provided over an extended time which spans the high school and post-secondary years. We prioritize leadership because the skills of a good, responsible and effective leader are the very same skills required by most employers, are the skills which lead to academic, personal and career success, and are the skills that drive entrepreneurial ambitions and good citizenship. Additionally, the LBD program centres youth within a supportive community comprising other Black youth, parents, committed volunteers and professionals. In short, the LBD program provides a growth platform by which youth may amplify their talents and fulfil their highest ambitions.
As of mid June 2022, eligible Black youth who will enrol in Grade 10 in September 2022, are invited to apply for admission into the Leadership by Design program.
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